1st International Society for Regional History (ISRH) Webinar

(Please hover over, and click on a session below to listen or download it)

Day 1, Thursday, 21 September 2023:

Day 2, Friday, 22 September 2023:

Session 1 (10:00-10:10am): Welcome – Prof Dumi Moyo (Executive Dean, Faculty Humanities, Northwest-University, South Africa)

Session 2 (10:10am-10:40am): KEYNOTE: Considering the Many Variations of Regional History – Prof Elize S Van Eeden (North-West University, South Africa)

Session 3 (10:40am-11:05am): PAPER: Migrants and Seasonal Workers: The Finnish Workforce of the Sundsvall Region (Sweden) in the Second Half of the 19th Century Dr Markku Mattila (Migration Institute of Finland, Seinäjoki Unit, Finland)

Session 4 (11:15am-11:40am): PAPER: The Making and Unmaking of Jejākabhukti: Historical Construction of a Region Dr Gaurav Kumar Singh (Jawaharlal Nehru University, India)

Session 5 (11:40am-12:05pm): PAPER: The Race for Space in Dinokeng Big Five Game Reserve, Gauteng Province, South Africa Mr Laurence Shee (North-West University, South Africa)

Session 6 (12:05pm-12:30pm): PAPER: Representation of the Household in the Ayodhyakāṇḍa in Vālmīki Rāmāyaṇa Ms Swati Nupur Tigga (Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Dehli, India)

Session 7 (12:30pm-12:55pm): PAPER: The Development of Railroads in Japan and Their Impact on Local Culture Mr Fumihiko Koyata (Hirosaki University, Japan); Dr Mutsumi Onda (Meiji University, Japan) and Prof Victor Carpenter (Hirosaki University, Japan)

Session 8 (12:55pm-13:20pm): PAPER: History, Places and Identity of Griqua People in South Africa Dr Rumi Umino (Minami Kyushu University Junior College, Japan)

Session 9 (13:20pm-13:45pm): Closing Remarks  Prof Toyin Falola (University of Texas, USA)


Keynote Speakers

Prof Sulevi Riukulehto

Theme: Why regional history, why globally and why now?

Prof Riukulehto works as Research Director in Regional History and Cultural Heritage at the University of Helsinki Ruralia Institute, Finland. Please click on the button below to access his bio note.

Prof Elize S van Eeden

Theme: Considering the many variations of Regional History

Prof van Eeden is an NRF-rated professor of History and specializes in regional history in multidisciplinary contexts.  She is Deputy Director of the School of Social Sciences at the Vanderbijlpark campus, North-West University, South Africa.

Prof Marijn Molema

Theme: Towards a new Regional Economic and Policy History

Prof Molema is a professor (by special appointment) of Regional Vitality & Dynamics, University of Groningen, Netherlands, Faculty of Arts, dept. of Economic and Social History. Please click on link below to access his bio note.

Call for Papers

21-22 September 2023 (Virtual Webinar)

Regions from a Historical Perspective

The new regional history focuses on obscured points in traditional historiography. A growing number of scholars in the humanities and social sciences have turned their attention to space as a means of understanding historical processes. History-oriented scholars have deliberately included such terms as “region”, “space” and “territory” into the focus of historiography, too. There are many different interpretations of regional history in literature, today. The old regional histories under the German label Landesgeschichte and the history of Heimat still have lively traditions. Equally so the regional studies activities in the United Kingdom since the mid-20th century. Its historiography, globally viewed, still requires a more robust and clearer direction.

Many regional scientists define regions as a level between local and national. This conception has also been adopted by some historians. The new regionalism has given new importance to the histories of areas. Much attention has been given to the territories that cross state (demarcated) borders, ethnologic borders, and linguistic borders. Such phenomena as divided cities, the economic and cultural micro-regions, and the contemporary history of so-called potential states can be studied under the label of regional history. A border can also have mental nature. Such themes as immigration, linguistic minorities, and the multifaceted sense of belonging to a place and community can be interesting themes from a historical perspective. Regional history may study artificial regions too: that may never have had a historical identity but could still be reasonably restricted by some meaningful research criteria. An entirely different meaning for regional history has been developed in the research of international macro-regions. Such phenomena as globalisation and international business draw attention to the level of continents and free trade areas. This concept is commonly used by economic historians and globalisation researchers. The first ISRH Webinar “Regions from a historical perspective” will present (introduce) the broad variation in regional history. All contributions that connect temporality to any kind of regional body are welcome.


  • Transnational regions / Regionalism and History
  • Historical constructions of regions
  • Social History and regions
  • Regional cultures in History
  • Regional history and economic development
  • The regional local histories
  • Identity and regions
  • Ethnicity
  • Gender in regional history contexts
  • Cross border regions

Registration fee:

The 1st ISRH Webinar will be sponsored – no webinar fee will be charged for attendants.



For any inquiries contact Mrs. Yolandi Strydom (E-mail: [email protected]) 


Webinar Organisers:

Prof Toyin Falola (University of Texas at Austin, USA); Prof Umesh Ashok Kadam (Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi, India); Prof Kenneth Murray Knuttila (Professor Emeritus, Brock University, Canada); Prof Sulevi Riukulehto (University of Helsinki, Finland); Prof Elize S van Eeden (North-West University, South Africa); Prof Marijn Molema (University of Groningen, Netherlands); Mr Fumihiko Koyata (Hirosaki University, Japan); Mr Emile Coetzee (North-West University, South Africa).