Paper submissions for the international journal, administrated by Taylor & Francis, titled Histories of People and Place Journal:

The International Society for Regional History strongly associates with the T&F Journal Histories of People and Place.

If you would, shortly after the September ISRH Webinar, want to submit your paper for possible publication in this journal, please follow the link for more information:


To make the process a bit easier, kindly see below:

Suggested date for article submission: 

6 November 2023

It will be appreciated if you can also let me know when you have submitted, because the ISRH Steering Committee would like to ensure that a special edition will come forth from this 2023 international webinar.


Photo taken of three ISRH Steering Committee members that attended and presented/facilitated papers at the RSA Conference in Ljubljana, Slovenia (14-17th of June 2023).